Samuel Joseph Amouyal

Samuel Joseph Amouyal

PhD candidate @ TAU, Research scientist @




About me

I am a PhD student in NLP under the supervision of the amazing Prof. Jonathan Berant and Prof. Aya Meltzer-Asscher at Tel-Aviv University in Israel. I mainly research Large Language Models (LLMs) under the scope of psycholinguistic theory, hoping to draw conclusions for both NLP and psycholinguistics.
I am also an NLP research lead at BlinqIO

Additional research interests

I began my academic journey in the Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program for Outstanding Students and I took classes in many faculties (mainly neurology, psychology, philosophy, biology but also economics, history, education…).
My research interest are therefore diverse and I have a few ongoing projects apart from my main PhD research:

  • A project in literature to improve creativity of LLMs (with the participation of the Israeli author Etgar Keret)
  • Projects in economy/game theory I am always open to new collaborations and exploring new fields so feel free to reach out.
  • NLP
  • Brain science
  • Literature
  • MSc in NLP, 2022

    Tel-Aviv University (Israel)

Recent Publications

(2024). Large Language Models for Psycholinguistic Plausibility Pretesting. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024.

Cite Link Code

(2024). Rationality Report Cards Assessing the Economic Rationality of Large Language Models. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning.

Cite Link

(2022). QAMPARI A Benchmark for Open-domain Questions with Many Answers. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM), ACL.

Cite Link Code


NLP research lead
November 2023 – Present Tel-Aviv, Israel
NLP research lead for BlinqIO, focusing on building autonomous agent-based virtual testers.
Research scientist
July 2022 – November 2023 Tel-Aviv, Israel
Research scientist at Mobileye, focusing on foundational multimodal models (vision and language).
Algorithm engineer
July 2020 – June 2022 Tel-Aviv, Israel
Algorithm engineer at Mobileye, in charge of training segmentation vision models and post processing the results to create hgigh quality 2D picture segmentation.


Let’s keep in touch if you have any questions about my research or want to talk about potential collaboration!